It is already a fact, LED screens are here to stay in the digital advertising market. Every day there are more businesses that decide to bet on this technology, but they do not have the necessary guidance to choose the best suppliers and, therefore, the best products. At RPG Technology, we design, manufacture and install LED screens tailored to your space, but today we provide you with several tips before choosing the company that will supply your screens.
Local suppliers
An investment, probably cheaper, is to choose local manufacturers of LED screens to bring them to your business. These spaces, in general, are smaller and less specialized businesses, but they will do everything in their power to bring you the greatest sharpness, brightness and resolution in your content. This can also work in your favor, because in case of breakdowns or requests for spare parts, they will be at your fingertips and you will not have to wait long for shipping issues. In addition, you can also investigate if there is any internationally renowned company that operates in your geographical area.

international distributors
The field of LED technology is spread throughout the world and many of the large suppliers are located in China or some countries in Europe. For example, RPG Technology is based in Spain, but we have branches in Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, India, China and much more.
Internationally recognized LED display companies can offer you a greater variety of products. Of course, you must conceive the waiting times as an important part before having your LED screens ready and working. However, the professionals are excellent and will provide you with constantly updated information and a 24-hour support service. These screens, however, are very resistant and do not break easily, having an average useful life of 8 years.
If any of your counterparts or other companies already use LED screens as part of their digital advertising, do not hesitate to ask who their supplier is. It is said that a satisfied customer always provides a good opinion to those who ask for it, so other organizations can offer you their opinion on digital advertising in your business. On the Internet you can also find several manufacturers of LED screens recognized throughout the world. Research a little about them and choose the most useful.

Some manufacturers of LED screens simply dedicate themselves to their commercialization, without accompanying their clients later on. It is important that, not only on the telephone line, but also in online spaces, they are able to provide immediate and useful attention to their clients. For example, if you are looking for a company to buy your LED screens, visit the websites of some of them and check how they update their blogs and what facilities they offer their clients in case of breakages, repairs and after-sales follow-up.
If you have any specific objective to meet, inform the company that will provide you with your LED screens. Many of them have various forms of screens, not only flat LED. For example, at RPG Technology, we have flexible/mesh, creative, glass LED, K-Posts, LED Totems and many other audiovisual and computer solutions for your business.
Choosing is never an easy task and even more so when we do it as a long-term investment. Your LED screens will be very impressive and relevant to your business, so it is necessary to choose the best suppliers. We have left you some tips and, if you wish, you can quote directly with us and we will deliver a personalized design for your company and adjusted to your space. Dream big, dream in LED.