Today, more and more organizations are investing in LED displays for their control rooms. This technology, in divided screens or large videowalls, contributes to the management of the information received through it and to the protection of the company. Taking into account the useful life of the screens and their help in achieving the institutional objectives, we invite you to learn about the uses of LED screens in control rooms.
What is a control room?
Control rooms are spaces where information relevant to the company is recorded. They can be recordings of security cameras, operation of electrical or transport lines, data synchronized with the international stock market or others. For its management, a few people or a whole team can be appointed to be aware of variations, failures or incidents that threaten the security of the company.
What kind of screens are used in control rooms?
LED technology is the best when it comes to installing screens in control rooms. This is because it enables information monitoring and business security maintenance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In total, investing in LED screens for control rooms will offer you approximately 60,000 hours of useful life and, therefore, greater protection of your assets.
INDOOR individual screens, videowalls or flat LEDs can be installed for these spaces. From RPG, we will take care of designing, manufacturing and installing LED screens tailored to your space and your needs. In addition, we can offer you a Digital Signage service through which we will manage the contents of your screens, such as synchronization with the global stock market, your security cameras or the operation of electrical, water, telephone or other services to which it is dedicated. your business.
What type of organization needs LED screens?
Any project or organization can install LED displays in control rooms to meet their demands and achieve their goals. In a perfect combination of hardware and software, optimal performance of the control rooms is achieved. These spaces not only function as carriers of information, but also as areas for data analysis, crisis management and conflict resolution.
Some organizations that definitely benefit from installing LED screens in control rooms are banks, auditoriums, corporate or meeting rooms, government centers, for traffic workers, and other spaces. In other words, there is no area that, at present, does not escape the use of this technology. LED displays will ensure real-time signal processing and high-resolution imaging.

What elements should you take into account?
Before investing in LED screens for control rooms, you should take into account some elements related to resolution, brightness, sharpness, among others. These must guarantee the reliability of the information that is reproduced in your control rooms and help you to carry out your daily tasks.
Appropriate software: The software of your LED screens must allow quick access to all the necessary information and changes of scenarios with just one click, since crisis resolution requires agility and ease in managing the content of the screens.
Information: Depending on the information you want to have on your screen, you will have one type or another of software. These can help to respond to emergency situations, monitor the operation of the company in real time, have visual access to all spaces and reduce waiting or updating times in the event of failures.
Multifunction: LED screens in control rooms must fulfill different functions that contribute to achieving organizational objectives as quickly as possible. For this reason, it is also important that several people are trained and have access to the management of the screens with this technology.
Image quality: The advancement of technology will not allow you to have other screens that do not clearly show you all the information you need. LED displays offer sharpness, high image resolution, brightness and contrast, and an adequate pixel pitch to view the necessary information from any distance. Flat LED screens or videowalls will project a single image without divisions, much more attractive and useful for business management.
Assembly: Assembly will not be a problem. This type of LED screens are very easy to install and have an ultra-thin design with correct pixel calibration to bring you the best experience when controlling everything that happens in your company. Just strategically choose the space your screens will occupy and invest in more than eight years of constant monitoring and security for your company.
Using LED screens in control rooms is a reliable, simple and safe way to manage important information related to your company. Thanks to its uninterrupted operation, you can monitor daily tasks and contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, early warning of system failures, and crisis and conflict resolution. With the most current technology, LED screens, you will have a wide field of information display and those responsible will be able to obtain optimal results in less time.
Come and quote with us. RPG offers you digital and computer solutions with high quality and modernity for your control centers and rooms.