This week, we wanted to bring you some applications of LED screens, somewhat removed from the advertising and Marketing uses that we normally tell you about. Therefore, we approach the uses of this technology for citizens and the different spaces in which, therefore, it is used. The public service, essential services and administrative spaces coincide to bring essential information to both officials and citizens.
Public services where LED screens can be used are those for which citizens contribute to the state budget and which, consequently, should be useful to them. For example, the needs of all societies are security services (police, ambulances, firefighters), general services (telecommunications, electricity and water) and others that generate benefits for all.
LED screens in public services
In this way, we want to tell you about the types of LED screens that you can install in each space. Each of the digital solutions that we offer in RPG can be suitable for this sector. Of course, it is better to adapt our budgets and needs to more objective technologies, such as videowalls, K-Post, flat INDOOR and OUTDOOR LEDs, totems and LED poles.
The screens can be located both indoors and outdoors, depending on the needs and the target audience. For example, for civil servants, they have to be placed indoors, so that they have access to necessary information and faults in the system. In the case of citizens, they will benefit from outdoor and indoor screens, to feel a reduction in their waiting times.

Uses of LED screens in different spaces
Security: Emergencies, urgencies and citizens’ needs must be covered by firefighters, police and ambulance services. Each of these institutions will be able to have LED screens inside that allow them to identify dangerous places through the screens and geolocate cars, patrol cars and trucks so that they can send those closest to them to action.
Basic services: Electricity, water, gas and telecommunications services need control rooms to manage systems that supply an entire city, state or country. LED displays will ensure excellent image quality, timely information and risk prevention.
Public libraries: These spaces continue to be frequented today, so attendees must have access to first-hand information and feel oriented without interacting with others. In this case, the LED screens could work to generate maps of each area of the library, show the promotions of the month, make weekly recommendations, cite some authors, among other functions.
Education: Public schools with LED screens will be a sample of modernity and updating of the contents. In them, public good messages (environment, mental and emotional health, etc.), exam calendars, presentation of optional subjects and motivational phrases for students may be available.
Health: Public health spaces help employees and patients to be aware of the interactive maps of the hospital or health center, service hours, waiting times and contact numbers with the institution.
Town Hall: The public service spaces also require LED screens. For example, officials hold meetings in video conference rooms and other screens can show the layout of offices. In the case of making them available to the population, they can be used to display advertisements or at parties in each district.
Judicial service and urban planning: The law and housing procedures are carried out on specific days of attention to Christmas. The LED screens can intervene in these spaces to show the opening hours, the different types of procedures to be carried out, their costs and the necessary elements and stationery; reducing physical interaction and easing information work.
Public transport: LED technology in the transport sector helps to show the lines and schedules of the means of transport, the geolocation of buses, subways and trains, the very crowded lines or with traffic, the points of origin and destination, among others. information.
LED screens appear in every space. If you are part of the government and public services management group, you should propose the use of this technology for the benefit of citizens. As we have seen, more than one place indoors or outdoors will benefit from LED displays. Contact us and tell us your ideas, we can offer you the best digital and computer solutions.