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Importance of digital advertising

In recent weeks, we have been talking about digital advertising and the use of LED screens as a communication support. At RPG Technology we design, manufacture and offer comprehensive audiovisual and computer solutions for your business. That is why today we want to talk to you about the importance of digital advertising. Its use can only lead your company to success and the best image among your customers.


Digital advertising inserted in the physical space allows you to connect with the whole world. It is true that it is less specific in terms of the parameters or algorithms that make an online campaign succeed, but it definitely also gives a certain stability to the company, since it reaches current and potential customers in each place that it is placed. As if that were not enough, you can distribute the same ad on screens around the world.

positive image

Definitely, LED screens will give your company another status, as it will make it look technological, innovative and concerned about its image to customers. For them, it will be a complete success, since the screens will project texts, images, videos and interactive animations that will capture their attention as they pass. Success lies in the content and the support that contains it, but it is better seen digitally.

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Quick management

The brand is managed in a matter of minutes and in a very simple way. It is important that, in the face of advertisements that are not working properly, the contents of the LED screens can be redesigned and updated. To do this, there are management software from the Internet that facilitate these changes and ensure that the best information, entertainment and advertising reaches customers.

strategic planning

Digital advertising provides feedback to the company, not directly from LED screens, but from sales, followers and new customers who visit the business premises and branches. Look for proactivity among your audience, your content and your company. Change ads and plan strategically for your customers and to solve business goals.

Quality and experience

LED screens allow customers to be oriented, since information, entertainment and advertising are projected on them. Among these contents, of course, will be an improvement in the quality of life of the public when using one of your services or buying one of your products. The shopping experience, moreover, is strengthened and improved by continuous user guidance.

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A brand that is inserted before everyone and in every space, becomes notorious. As if that were not enough, LED technology allows you to project the contents of your brand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Make your company known or position it in the market, advertising your star products and services. The durability of an LED screen is expected to be 8 years or more, so its visibility will not be affected in good weather.

Cost effectiveness

Digital advertising, compared to traditional advertising company, has gained in profitability. Although the first investment can be somewhat expensive, the return is quite fast. Simply design attractive and modern content for your clients and adapt it to their situation and the space you have. Only in this way, the strategy will generate fruits, both financial and emotional, in the relationship between customers and the company.


This type of LED advertising is much more precise, even though its reach is global. The ads are directed at segmented and previously studied audiences and are also placed in the spaces that have been determined to work best. You choose the content, the medium and the place, we take care of making it real. In a specific period of time, you will organize the contents effectively, but you can also update them at any time.

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The use of digital advertising becomes essential in the current era. Make it easier for your audience to access your content, but also make them stay with you. Once you reach your customers, do not lose contact with them and create new ads that translate into more followers, customers and sales. The resolution, sharpness and effectiveness of LED screens as communication supports are guaranteed by us at RPG Technology.

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